OPERA Online/Hybrid Presentation - PRESENTATION CHANGE - NEW PRESENTATION ON 'The Hazards of Transient Operations'  


Unfortunately due to reasons beyond our control our presenter has had to postpone the upcoming 'Digital Twins' presentation scheduled until a later date.

Instead in it's place we will be hosting a presentation titled 'The Hazards of Transient Operations' presented by the OPERA Chairman and Engineering and Construction team head at SWISS RE - Ian Clarke.

If you are already signed up for the previous topic and still wish to attend you do not need to do anything - your registration will still be valid. All other previous details i.e time/venue etc remain the same.

Should the topic change mean that you no longer wish to attend please let me know so that I can amend the attendee lists.

Apologies for any inconvenience and please find the full details below - Thanks, Ian - OPERA Administrator


The Hazards of Transient Operations

IN PERSON SPACES TO ATTEND FOR FULL OPERA MEMBERS AND ALSO AVAILABLE TO ATTEND VIRTUALLY ONLINE - Invite link will be sent to all registered attendees nearer to the time of the presentation itself after bookings have closed. 

Speaker: Ian Clarke, OPERA Chairman and Head of Engineering and Construction, SWISS RE

Bio: Ian is currently head of the engineering and construction risk engineering team at Swiss Re, but has spent most of his almost 30 years in insurance in the downstream oil, gas and petrochemical sector. His industrial experience included drilling for oil and gas in the Australian desert, trying to make oil out of low grade Australian brown coal, and working in a technical safety capacity at one of Melbourne's most diverse petrochemical facilities before joining the insurance industry. He is a Chartered Chemical Engineer and a registered Professional Process Safety Engineer with the Institution of Chemical Engineers and also the current Chairman of OPERA.

Presentation Synopsis: Most people would be familiar with the document on losses from the oil, gas and petrochemicals industry published back in 2016, which is currently under review. Statistics from this analysis show that the vast majority of operations related failures occur during transient operations, be it abnormal, unusual, non-routine or infrequent activities. We will evaluate just three systematic loss prevention activities, PHA/HAZOP, operator competency and safety critical task analysis, and show, using several loss examples, how deficiencies in these lead to major losses. Deficiencies that we see all too frequently during site visits.

Date: Tuesday 13th June

Time: 1PM


IN PERSON - 12:15PM in person arrival - lunch and pre-meeting networking. If booking in person please ensure you let us know if you cannot make the event for catering reasons.

ONLINE - Presentation to commence at 1PM.

Physical venue (booked attendees only please): Lockton, The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch,
London, EC3A 7AG


TO BE HELD ONLINE OR LIMITED IN PERSON SPACES TO ATTEND ARE AVAILABLE - please ensure you select the correct option when booking.

Booking - 

Members (CAN BOOK ONLINE OR IN PERSON) - should book via Webcollect as usual via this link - an invite link with further details will then be sent at a later date if attending online - or you will be registered as an in person attendee if booked to attend the venue on the day. Please ensure you select either ONLINE or IN PERSON booking dependent on which you require - Only full OPERA members with a current paid subscription will be able to attend events in-person.

Non Members (ONLINE ONLY) - Any non-members wishing to attend should email ianw_g@oilpera.com providing their name, job title, organisation and the seminar they wish to attend so that details can be sent through accordingly.

IMPORTANT - Please note that any non-members who wish to book in this way will also have to provide the name of a current OPERA member -  who will then be notified to guarantee their booking - the booking will not be accepted if this information is not provided as this is for security purposes.

Non-member guests are welcome -  however will be asked to purchase an OPERA subscription after more than 2 events have been attended as a guest.

Booking deadline: Monday 12th June at 5PM.


OPERA Summer Social - Join Us!


BOOKINGS NOW OPEN - OPERA - Catalysts and losses: risk and opportunities