Past Presentation - National Cultures, and How They Influence Approaches to Industrial Safety and Loss Prevention


Egbert Schram – CEO - Hofstede Insights and Trevor Hughes – Hughes Consultancy and Research

Presentation Synopsis:

Trevor Hughes will introduce Hofstede’s work. He will recount a number of humorous experiences in different countries which point to distinct national cultures. Egbert Schram of Hofstede Insights will further describe Hofstede’s work and how its findings influence safety culture, using example country comparisons over six dimensions of national culture. Finally, we will pose the question as to whether national cultures should influence risk engineering and loss prevention approaches in different countries.

• Do we accept deep seated differences between national cultures, and that these be assessed factually, without being accused of bias and stereotyping? If so…

• Should we be using the same “toolkit” in loss prevention consultancy and risk engineering? Same agenda, same line of questioning, similar recommendations.

• Does ‘good’ risk quality potentially look different according to the local culture?

Presentation and video are available to current OPERA members via the members area of the OPERA website.


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